Resting on our Laurels


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Chiquitito Pepe GlassChiquitito Pepe Glass
Vidrio d' LaurelVidrio d' Laurel
Vino Blanco GobletVino Blanco Goblet
El Borbon GlassEl Borbon Glass
Chalice Bowl - SmokeChalice Bowl - Smoke
Glorieta GobletGlorieta Goblet
Zackshot Glass SmokeZackshot Glass Smoke
Pepe Margarita GlassPepe Margarita Glass
Tito Decanter with 2 Zackshot GlassesTito Decanter with 2 Zackshot Glasses
Hierbabuena Double Old FashionedHierbabuena Double Old Fashioned
Hierbabuena Double Old FashionedJan Barboglio Sale price$96.60 Regular price$144.90
Zackshot Glass - ClearZackshot Glass - Clear
Triple Zackshot Glass - ClearTriple Zackshot Glass - Clear
Laurel Frame 5x7Laurel Frame 5x7
Wee-Bee Double Old FashionedWee-Bee Double Old Fashioned
Pepita Red Wine GlassPepita Red Wine Glass
Torre Laurel VesselTorre Laurel Vessel
Clarity BowlClarity Bowl
Clarity BowlJan Barboglio Sale priceFrom $555.44
Guadalupe VaseGuadalupe Vase
Guadalupe VaseJan Barboglio Sale price$1,344.33
Lujo-Cita Bowl with Laurel Etched DesignLujo-Cita Bowl with Laurel Etched Design
Fernandez FlutaFernandez Fluta
Pilar FlutePilar Flute
Pilar FluteJan Barboglio Sale price$128.80
Acanalado Frida DecanterAcanalado Frida Decanter
Tito DecanterTito Decanter
Tito DecanterJan Barboglio Sale price$402.49
El Predilecto CopaEl Predilecto Copa
Basket Vessel
Basket VesselJan Barboglio Sale price$289.80

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